
Below is a series of links to pieces of my personal portfolio. For a list of my Professional releases, please visit my Professional Experience page. More pieces and details to be added as time permits, but please find below some samples of my work:

Complete Games:

Defender Dib and The Attack of a Million Billion GIRs


Nano Nobis


Unreal Tournament 3: Which Way is Up

Fallout 3: Sons of Grognak

Neverwinter Nights: Power of L’ancre Island

StarCraft the Brood War: Reverse Madness

Megaman Powered Up: Funhouse Elec

Writings & Docs

Gamasutra Design Competition Entries:

Gamasutra’s “Game Career Guide’ would regularly host design challenges. Limited to 500 words, entrants would need to suscintly convey their game concept to an audience, not unlike a Game Pitch document. Below are some entries of mine:

    Gamasutra Design Competition Winner: A New Vision
    The Commodore 64 version of Ghostbusters remains fondly remembered, though even fans will admit that it was a deeply flawed experience. Killian argues that the game is well-suited for a modern-day remake, and shows how a tighter gameplay focus would make it a standout in the strategy genre.” – Game Career Guide Staff.

    Gamasutra Design Competition Winner: iPad
    Mothership‘s complex competitive gameplay would not be possible on the small screen of an iPhone or iPod Touch, but the iPad’s expanded screen size allows players to enjoy this unique two-player shoot’em-up.” – Game Career Guide Staff.

    Gamasutra Design Competition Winner: Complexity

    Gamasutra Design Competition Runner Ups:


    Photographic Interpretation

    Be the Hero!

Journalism Samples:

    Complaints and Complications Continue from Okami Watermark Fiasco

    The Sims Now The Third Most Successful Gaming Franchise of All Time

Old Portfolio:
